Download The ONLY Spreadsheet Designed For Managing and Analyzing Selling Costs For Your 3d Print Farm.

Everything You Need To Make Sure Your Farm is Profitable.
Product Profit Analysis
Calculate Production Cost & Selling Fees to Maximize Product Pricing.
Printer Management
Easily Maintained Maintenance Schedules.
Filament Management
Track Your Filament Brands And Pricing. Convenient Purchase Links Are Built Into The Model.
Print Farm Reporting
Creat Professional Reports Providing Clear Insight Into Your Farm Health.
The "Farm Data" tab is the foundation of 3D Print Farm Sheets. With 30 unique printer models and 180 unique filament types available 3D Print Farm Sheets will substantially increase your ability to quickly and accurately estimate your cost and profit.
Printer management can't be overlooked. Making sure you have the rate power usage for your printers insures you are getting accurate cost estimates. Maintaining a realistic maintenance schedule eliminates costly repair expenses down the road.
3D Print Farm Sheets product catalog tab is a real-time saver. We are also updating the sheets making and making sure they stay relevant in an ever-changing industry. The catalog tab makes updating to a new version a breeze.
3D Print Farm Sheets and calculate your profit on many of the major sales channels such as Etsy, Amazon, Shopify, or No-Fee (In person). This versatility helps you to price your product correctly for every platform you currently sell on.
3D Print Farm Sheets' easy-to-use databases to keep track of supplies and maintenance repairs allow for a level of data tracking most farms don't do. Being able to spot reoccurring repairs can save lots of headaches and cost in the future.
Dear Valued Customer,
When I first started this journey I had no idea where it would take me. I was an overworked real estate broker working long hours and lots of weekends. Just like that though it all stopped in mid-2020 when Real Estate agents were deemed "non-essential" during the Covid 19 pandemic. I went from working 50-60 hour weeks plus weekends to working half that.
I'd started messing around with a 3d printer but with my limited availability didn't get far. In 2020 my schedule freed up and I was able to dive head first. 2.5 years later and here we are. Over 6,000 sales and 1,000+ 5-star reviews on Esty puts us in the top 1.5% of all Etsy Sellers worldwide.
As most small business owners do, I started by creating a simple Excel spreadsheet. The goal was to help me estimate selling fees and track the cost of goods for my products.
Over time, my spreadsheet became more elaborate. As I would add one feature it would prompt another. After countless hours, long elaborate formulas, and some crazy VBA coding I was left with what we call 3D Print Farm Sheets.
Today 3D Print Farm Sheets includes everything you need to have a clear understanding of your product profitability and the overall financial health of your 3D Print Farm. In Fact, we are the only spreadsheet product on the market that is specifically designed for 3d print farms. 3D Print Farm Sheets is an all-in-one solution for product profitability analysis, Printer management, Vendor and filament management, and reporting for your 3D Print Farm.
We're not done yet though. We are always looking to improve and expand our product and service. We have frequent updates that you'll get for free with your purchase!
You are getting more than just a spreadsheet. We have a dedicated Discord for our community of customers where feedback is given, new ideas are flushed out, and testing is done. It's also a great place to post questions or things you're struggling with as a manager of a print farm and get feedback from others who have dealt with the same things.
Everyone's response and feedback has been great and we can't thank you enough for the support and business.
Feel free to send us an e-mail if you have any questions about our product or service.
My best,
Sam Erickson
Founder & Creator